Well, this time it's a flying trip. Going to see my Twinkies.
Biggest concern right now is the tropical storm that is headed this way. I will be in Miami right about the time this rain and wind storm will be hitting the coast. This is a typical Florida August storm. No different than any other rain we have had in the past year. How I manage to make trips that coincide with storms is beyond me.
Glad I don't live on the Baja...

The media, as usual, has made a mountain out of a molehill regarding weather (and other things too, latest one being the casey anthony fiasco). This regular tropical storm - doesn't even have an organized center but does have a NAME (oh but they are watching it ever so closely for the slightest, miniscule increase in wind), with winds that are less than the last storm that flew by here, is making all the headlines and being described in hurricane terms.
If you describe something in "words" here you can bet it will be taken at face value. In other words, the public is very concrete and this results in a big rush to the supermarket to "be prepared" and "stock up." On my menu is wine, cheese, crackers...they will always last you through any windstorms, tropical storms, rain, hail, drizzle, cloudy skies, sunny skies - you get the picture.
Needless to say, I am full steam ahead for my trip to NJ. Can't wait to see the Twinks and fam.
Back to doing the clothing routine. Not only doing the NJ one, but also preparing for my Europe trip coming up.
What to bring???? What do I NOT want to carry with me? I feel like a packhorse. Wouldn't it be great to travel with JUST a credit card? Maybe a change of underwear, and of course my camera equipment. What else does one need?